Sustaniable Management of Natural Resource Blog 1

Sustainable Management of Natural Resources CBSE Class 10 Notes ...

  • Keep your text book open for reference.
  • All the intext exercises as well as exercise given at the end of the chapter have to be done.
Learning Outcomes :

  • explore the need of management of resources
  • list the 5 R's to save the environment
  • comprehend the term stakeholder and sustainable development
Resources include the total natural environment- all parts of the Earth are of some use to man.
They are actually stocks of nature such as water, soil, minerals, coal, forests, etc. 

Sustainable management of Natural Resources is the need of the hour. Let us try to understand why....
Pollution in Ganga

  • The river Ganga is used as a sewage dump for more than 100 cities stretching across Uttar Pradesh, Bihar and West Bengal.
  • Dumping of untreated sewage,  excreta, and chemicals from industries increases the toxicity of the water.
  • This makes it inhabitable for the flora and fauna in the river system.
  • In 1985 the GAP (Ganga Action Plan) project was initialised to curb the poor quality of the water of river Ganges.
It was noticed that due to continuous dumping of waste into river Ganga, the number of bacteria Coliform increased to an alarming level.
 This bacteria is otherwise found in human intestine. 
Need to manage natural resources

 (Increase in demand for natural resources)

  • Ever-increasing population and rising demands of changing lifestyles
  • To ensure sustainable, equal distribution of resources and reduction of damage to the environment, management of resources must be an integral part of our society.
  • Non renewable
  • judicious use of our natural resources as it is not unlimited and management of such requires long-term planning in order to last generations.
The 5 R’s to save the environment can be performed by each individual in our society:

Say no to things that are offered to an individual. For Example, an individual says no to buying plastic products.
Reduce: Minimize the use of anything. For Example, minimize the use of fans, tubelights etc.
Reuse: To use the things again and again is defined as reuse.
Repurpose: When a particular thing cannot be used for a purpose, it can be used for another purpose.
Recycle: When the material can be used to make the needed things.

Page 271

Why do you think that there should be equitable distribution of resources?
There should be equitable distribution of resources among all  people—rich and poor, so that all are benefitted from the  development of these resources. Such an even distribution of  resources restricts the exploitation, wastage and misuse of  these resources.
Factors that work against an equitable distribution of  these resources.
  • Excessive and unsustainable use of natural resources.
  • Over population.
  • Irrigation and erosion.
  • Mining for minerals and oil.
  • Contamination of resources due to pollution.
  • Industrialization.


They are the persons and the parties having a binding interest in an asset.
The stakeholders are :
  • Locals: who live around the forests and depend on forest products.
  • The forest department: a government body which looks after the forest.
  • industrialists: they take raw materials for running their industries.
  • Wildlife and natural enthusiasts: those who need to conserve forest.
Management of Natural Resources Class 10 Notes Science Chapter ...
Economic development is linked to environmental conservation.What we need is.....

Sustainable Development

  • Sustainable development needs all stakeholders of forest resources to be satisfied.
It is controlling the use of resources in such a way that there
 is an equitable availability and continuous flow of products 
and services for the present and future generations without 
any impact on the environment.

Home Assignment :

Intext Exercise on Page 271


  1. Good morning sir
    Siddharth kushwaha

  2. Good morning ma'am Arvind Goyal

  3. Good morning sir Sameer here 😏

  4. Good morning ma'am
    Emmanuel GOMES

  5. Good morning sir
    Johnson joshua

  6. Good morning sir
    Ayaan Edward

  7. Good morning sir
    Sharon Santhosh X-D

  8. Good afternoon sir
    Rachit James

  9. Good afternoon sir
    Japmann singh

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  11. Good afternoon sir
    Jatin James

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